
Tuesday 15 March 2016

Life Cycle Whitebait

Today I made a Life Cycle on White Bait I learnt so much about it like "When's a good time to catch it,How to catch it.I also learnt new vocabulary.Our main focus was the "Authors purpose" I tried thinking what was the authors purpose.I wasn't quite sure I thought it was an information report about white baiting. 


  1. Hi Mia,
    You have made an outstanding effort on your life cycle. I learnt so much facts about white bait. Did you know you can use PIE to remind you of authors purpose. Keep up the great work.

  2. Hey Mia
    Great work Mia,you have made an outstanding effort on you DLO about the life cycle on whitebait. I have learnt so much about whitebait. Keep up the great work.
